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Stock Market Graph
Trade Show Conference

We do the  businesses  of working with different kinds of products which are sold for consumer, business or government purposes. We buy a specialized range of products, maintain a stock or a shop, and deliver products to  our customers.

We also do the business of Importers and wholeselers by  maintain a stock and deliver products to shops or large end customers. We work in a large geographical area

We purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire any mining rights, mines and lands in India or elsewhere believed to contain metallic, or mineral, saline or chemical substances, kisselghur, French chalk, China clay, bentonite and other clays, boryles, calcite and such other filler materials, earths or other ingredients including coal, lignites, rock-phosphate, brimstone, brine, bauxite, rare earths which may seem suitable or useful or for any of the Company's objects and any interest therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and turn to account the same.


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