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  • We purchase, take on lease or in exchange, or otherwise acquire any lands and buildings in any part of India or elsewhere, and any estate or interest in, and any rights connected with, any such lands and buildings and to develop and turn to account any land acquired by or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes.


  • We carry on the business or vocation of acting as advisers and consultants on all matters and problems relating to the Technical Industries, civil, administration, finance and organization, management, commencement or expansion of industry, purchasing techniques and business (including construction of plants and buildings), production, purchases, sales, material and cost control, marketing, advertisement, publicity, personnel, export and import to and for institutions, concerns, bodies, associations (incorporated or unincorporated), departments and services of the Government, public or local authorities, trusts, scientific research and Development Centers, and to be appointed as technical, financial, industrial administration, civil consultants.

  • We work mines or quarries, and to find, win, get, work, crush, smelt, manufacture or otherwise deal with limestone, chalk, clay, ores, metals, minerals, oils, precious and other stones, or deposits or products, and generally or to carry on the business of mining in all branches.


  • We purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire any mining rights, mines and lands in India or elsewhere believed to contain metallic, or mineral, saline or chemical substances, kisselghur, French chalk, China clay, bentonite and other clays, boryles, calcite and such other filler materials, earths or other ingredients including coal, lignites, rock-phosphate, brimstone, brine, bauxite, rare earths which may seem suitable or useful or for any of the Company's objects and any interest therein and to explore, work, exercise, develop and turn to account the same.


  • We carry on the business of builders and contractors, decorators, merchants and dealers in stone, sand, lime, bricks, cement, timber, hardware and other building requisites, brick and tile and job masters, carriers, and house agents.


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